Someone who says another person is their best friend, and when their best friend starts to like a guy...they try to steal them. Then there FORMER best friend gets mad and ditches them for another awesome person named Haley. Then the girl who tried to steal boy from "best friend" gets a new best friend, and when that friend starts to like a DIFFERENT boy...they try to steal him aswell.
"God, Zoe is such a backstabber"
by Haley [hales] June 20, 2007
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a person who does somthing naughty with another person then turns aroud and tells people and never calls that person or comes to see that person!!
he made-out with her and never called her when sh really liked him!!
by shaina September 23, 2003
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Is a Metaphor for a person who criticises another friend for higher gain of like money, work, fun, interest, etc. to hurting you as well or just because they can, the funniest way to backstab someone.
Person 1: "Hey, there goes Joe."
Person 2:" He's such a prick"
Person 1:" Why?"
Person 2: "He told my teacher that I've had sex with his daughter."
Person 1: "What a Backstabber!"
by Stibibz December 5, 2009
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A "friend" who uses, then betrays you. Backstabbers are also considered, full of them selves, bossy, annoying, and extremely bitchy.
Well, the other day a girl at my school was being such a know-it-all at our chemistry class. She kept on saying that she was smarter than everyone else, and she was bossy. Most of the answers she gave us were wrong. I talked to my other "friend" (Backstabber) and she told me to tell Know-It-All to fuck off, but I, being the nice person I am, didn't want to be mean so I didn't. Later that day Backstabber told Know-It-All what I said, and Other Loyal Good Friend whispered to me that Backstabber and Know-It-All were spreading rumors and telling lies about me. Backstabber deserves to be stabbed. Know-It-All needs to receive a nice, long email containing all of the insults, truths, and comments everyone wants to scream at her.

I am very sorry this example was so long.

I hope it was entertaining.
by ES Revenge101 October 27, 2011
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A person who claims they hate Justin Bieber but secretly love him and listen to his songs 24/7 and have JB posters all over their room that they take down when friends are over.
Wow! You're a Bieber backstabber!
by Daltus22 November 5, 2010
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A sexual position in which the unsuspecting partner is asleep on their stomach. The "backstabber" proceeds to run full speed and swan dives onto the "backstabee". Whilst swan diving the penis is inserted into the rectum.
Last night I pulled a Tunisian Backstabber on my girlfriend. She had no idea it was coming!
by Niscimble January 19, 2009
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