a buddy of mine snooted 8 hits of water, then hot sauce, then potato chip crumbs, then some pepper
by Sean "sTc" EGGEL July 15, 2003
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lets go snoot hunting. snoot rocks. that girls got a nice snoot.
by daplatinumasshole April 20, 2009
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A group of people who listen to NPR Can be referred to as a "Snoot".
As in: "A snoot of listeners were talking about a lecture they heard about a flock of birds."
by NPR Snoot January 9, 2012
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The nose of a pig that cut to and laid on and grill and grilled to a crisp but not to be burned and eating with barbecue sauce. Native to East St. Louis, IL
Take me down to the Red Door(tavern in East St. Louis, IL) so I can get me a snoot (properly pronounced snout)
by UNOME! July 13, 2010
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Okay, I won't be too graphic here, but this is what happens when you sneeze and, well, pass gas as a result at the same time.
"I cannot believe this, everytime I sneeze I snoot. It's like a reflex action. And that is why, I can't pull up a date. Girl has a perfume too strong to trigger my nostrils, and boom, it's a snoot!"

"Did you just.. uhm, sneeze.. fart, in the same time? Did you just sneeze and fart at the same time?"
"Yeah I guess, snoot? :| "
by Epictrishax April 8, 2012
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Verb: A face scrunching expression often combined with a finger point.

The Snoot is a facial expression
that a "Veena" makes when a she scrunchs her face together. Often used in conjunction with a finger
point and used frequently when she is trying to either show her resistance to an idea or puts on her pretend fight-face.
(Verb): She was snooting when he exclaimed that Feminism is dead!
by LawJigga July 17, 2005
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