very excited about sex

see also- sexcites
your awsome ass makes me sexcited
by Sean Weston October 9, 2003
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Mark: Dude I don't want to watch Snow White with Carl, he gets all sexcited when the dwarfs come out.

Scott: Word...
by crredding November 20, 2007
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Explosive sexually charged state or condition.

Out of control lust resulting in a state of hyper sexual arousal, often oblivious to one's surroundings.

physically aroused state characterized by the inability to conceal extreme lust and the inability to refrain from impulsive impassioned behavior.
"Her erotic dancing plunged him into a reckless state of sexcitement that cast off all semblence of civilization and propriety as he lunged for the exotic dancer, oblivious to the bouncer's attempts to stop him"
by Siagiah Karlsson December 11, 2006
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to be excited for sex; formal for 'horny'... you stole my wordddd
i was sexcited till i found out that my word was already created
by maria January 12, 2004
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when he touches me i get really sexcited and wet
by mizmoon September 16, 2008
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to sexcite is to excite someone by subliminal sex messages.
for example: Josh sexcites me when he sends me mirror pictures of him naked.

Before watching porn, I was sexcited.
by aveline fish March 15, 2018
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When one is "super excited", one is "sexcited".
Wow, I'm sexcited for the Lynx game this Saturday.
by theonlywnbafan January 17, 2018
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