PILF: (n) Acronym referring to a "Philosopher I'd like to fuck."

Me: Dude, Wittgenstein is a total PILF!
also Me: Yeah, good thing reading Wittgenstein is a total mind-fuck.
by causasuigeneris May 12, 2013
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Palin I'd Like to Fuck. References the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, who happens to also be a MILF.
Man, dude, that Sarah Palin is such a PILF.
by Jeff Kelley September 4, 2008
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Look! that man in that van is definately a PILF!
by ilusion80 October 20, 2010
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refers to a patient in which one would like to encounter, specifically, in a sexual manner.
"Dude, did you see Dr. Jones' patient? I would love to conduct a physical assessment on her. She's a total PILF."
by ChrisD. November 17, 2007
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Man, I'd sure like to put tubesteak in that bitch Sarah Palin. She's the real PILF.
by Khaytsus September 3, 2008
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1)Principal I'd Like to Fuck
2)a principal you would see and say "get a leg up"
The only reason I go to school is to see PILF
by Cory November 16, 2003
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