1.) When an apple-bottomed African American woman (typically found in her natural habitat of Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn) urinates in spray-form over the entirety of a public restroom toilet seat, while hovering above said toilet seat and girating her hips in a clockwise or counter clockwise movement; also evidence has shown the use of a "booty clap" whilst mid spray. Sometimes used in combination with the Jemima swirl grip or the jemima swirl leg-lift.

2.) When a watermelon bottomed African American She-ress, righteously empties the entirety of her bladder in spray form (aka, the african mist) in an effort to mark her territory. This feat renders said toilet useless, and is frustrating for white people.
Hey, so I went to use the bathroom during that new movie Devil, but I couldn't use the toilet because some apple-bottomed bitch totally pulled a jemima swirl.
by theclintonhillcumquats September 27, 2010
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a black woman who "kisses up" to whites; a "sellout"; the female counterpart to Uncle Tom.
Keisha: 'Quanda! Ever since you got that job you've been lettin those white people walk all over you!
LaQuanda: Whateva girlfriend, a girl gotta get paid, right?
Keisha: Aunt Jemima please, you aint foolin nobody. You's black!
by PCone November 15, 2009
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The day we make people named Jemima feel like the most special person in the world (shoutout to Jemima)
Yo it’s the 14th I think u forgot about Jemima day
by Malonebrown May 14, 2021
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Fat black ladies with gray hair, who visit houses looking to dole out pancakes coated with syrupy goodness.
As seen on Family Guy.
I was hungover today, the last thing I needed was some damn Jemima's witness coming to my front door!!
by The Pstives March 31, 2005
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People that knock on your door wearing bandannas and requesting that you make them pancakes.
Oh shit, are those Jemimas Witnesses at the door again? Tell them we don't want to join the Church of the Holy Flapjack.
by Downtownjbrn January 18, 2010
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The troll of all trolls on the TeenHut forums.

Just like all trolls, he drops the F-bomb in just about every other sentence. This is a pathetic attempt to make him appear "t0tally hardc0ar on teh interwebz."

His most profound traits are putting others down (cuz he is teh r0x0rz n iz flawlezz), and replying to threads saying "Great, another thread nobody gives a fuk about" because he can now speak on behalf of over 6 billion people. /lolsarcasm

It is unclear as to why the mods even allow him to stick around. The theory is that he gets to stay because he stole his name from the syrup lady (and nobody can resist syrup, amirite?).
Poster 1: "So, I hear Korea is trying to kill us all."
Aunt Jemima: "Nobody gives a fuk."
Poster 2: "I do, and I'm sure you won't be thinking that when you're in thirty-two pieces. Then again..."
by MrsButterworth June 19, 2009
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