The act of trying to be cool when you are not (Captain Max)
Max Worefel was being a mr cool guy like he always is
by Jason, Nick November 22, 2007
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when your coolness is so high you have to take adderall to keep it at bay
"why is so damn hard for you to pay attention"
"✨cool guy syndrome✨"
by maxmaxwoo April 4, 2022
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somebody that is super cool, often this phrase is used by mega cools.
cool guy yeah 1:OMG who is that she looks like a mega cool!!!
cool guy yeah 2:I'm such a cool
by lunar kittie cat 1 January 15, 2022
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Coined in Bentonville after the Famous Drink, "Tony, Bentonville's Cool Guy" from Table Mesa. This is a term used to describe someone who is the best around
Oh, there he goes, thinking he is Bentonville's Cool Guy. Who does he think he is? Tony?
by Rovert_Krap September 22, 2020
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An otherwise dull and uninteresting person who freely share cocaine with people free of any sexual expectation or subtext.
He's described as a "Really Cool Guy" at the party but beyond the fact that he carries cocaine around just to get attention he is really not very interesting at all.
by La Nacho Libre September 12, 2011
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Aston Cool Guy

Aston Cool Guy is a ugly fat guy that plays Avakin Life. He likes to lie about police coming to his house every week and hes a bad liar. He has a creeper sweater and likes PUBG but is bad at it.

Our Avakin Life usernames are: ❀PANDAS ❀RULES❀, Melikatt and savagegamer666 <-- (Aston Cool Guy)
Panda: Have you heard about Aston Cool Guy?
Melikatt: Yeah I have. He's a bad liar, and he's dumb.
Panda: I agree, he's a fatty
by ygygcyh October 10, 2019
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