The term of the urban game known as "fugative". The play area for fugative will usually encompasses an entire city and should be played after dark. The playing rules for fugative are that half of the players are set in a cars and the other half on foot. The players on foot are given a starting point and then a destination somewhere else in the city. The players in cars will then simply attempt to catch the players on foot before they can reach the rallying point. For the sake of the "fugatives" not being crushed under the wheel of a car the "fugatives" are required to use a bit of an honor code to surrender to the drivers if spotted within a close distance. If caught then the fugatives will participate with the drivers to catching the other fugatives. The specific rules of fugative should be adjusted to the city, conditions, player, and just exactly how much adrenaline is willing to be spent.
46 people are organizing fugative. 30 of them become the "fugatives" and 16 decide to share cars and become the "drivers". The starting point is an empty parking lot and the destination is a burger joint 3-4 miles away. The drivers give the fugatives about 5 minutes and then start the search.
by Allan Davis April 7, 2006
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A stuffy, humid or uncomfortable environment.

Also the name of my favorite house in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
by AsraLeGay September 27, 2020
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A type of person who is a nature thug, or one with the nature in a very cool way. This is demonstrated through the way that they include plant matter in their everyday outfits.
"Whoa, we are such fugs."
"I know right, we are so fuggy."
by SpicyCat February 11, 2015
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Ah fug, I'm shot again.
Take that, mutha fugga!
by Mike November 27, 2003
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1. (Noun) The odor given off by a fat fuck. Often strong enough that those surrounding can taste it, and in severe cases they are suffocated by it.

2. (Verb) When the air trapped inside a fat person's rolls is tinted with smegma and then released into the air, resulting to the intoxication of the surrounding air. Can be mistaken for an egg fart.
1) I nearly choked when I entered the room filled with Mrs. Choksondik's fug.

2) When Emily fugged, the whole class ran outside to take cover thinking it was poison gas.
by feelssogood December 6, 2011
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Yo man i needa go down to the gas station an pick up another pack of fugs.
by xsmokemeximdopex July 10, 2009
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