1. A little bastard who pisses you off.
2. Used when someone hits/insults you, etc.
3. A widely used insult.
4. A swear widely used when you're getting PWN'd by a computer game.
Person two: Hah, dude you just got PWN'd.
by Kei Hikaru March 19, 2006
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one who annoys
u fukin fucker, stop fuckin annoyin me, u mother fucker
by Gina August 15, 2003
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a lot of people that post definitons on this site.
see also: haters, posers, assholes.
hey, i don't like this certain band/ store/race/religion! lemmee go be a fucker and dis it on urbandictionary.com!
by udontknowme October 30, 2003
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A purely sexual variation on the word 'seperation' or the words "Kevin Bacon" used almost exlusively in the "six degrees of" sense. Most often used to describe the invariably high number of people that you have indirectly fucked when you use the 'six degrees of seperation' in a sexual context.
Scott: I can't believe that I just fucked that chick...she is such a whore!

Mandy: Yah, I wouldn't want to play six degrees of fuckeration with her....!
by Scott Harkness June 21, 2006
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