A very realistic term used for boys who are immature and have nothing else better to do than break girls hearts and steal virginity’s
Hot girl: hey!!
Fuck boy: Netflix and chill
Hot girl: um sure ?
Fuck boy: I mean you dtf?
by Queen Emmy April 9, 2018
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A guy who is there for sex. Nothing more. Yuh call him and he fucks you. And he leaves. Nothing more. No attachment. It's the opposite of side piece
That is just my "fuck boy". He was here last night. He's my side piece
by Steelbalz March 13, 2016
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A BOY who is yet to act like a real man. Typically is a lame hipster who tries to be "unique" with lame hairstyles and lame beards. A fuckboy will come off as a sweet and caring guy at first. He will try to convince you that you're the perfect girl and that he is "different" than most. He spends most of his life trying to convince others he's a good person, when in reality he's scum. He blames everyone else for his "life problems" and doesn't know how to own up to anything wrong he does. He will eventually start treating you poorly and pull it off as though it was your fault so when he cheats on you, you are to blame.. do not fall for his lies. Fuckboys are typically very manipulative and narcissistic. He will continue to beg for forgiveness to keep getting what he wants, but in the end he will only break your heart. He will lie to you about everything and you will come to find out he wasn't the person he pretended to be and once the truth is reveled, you will more than likely never hear from him again as he moves on to his next victim or returns to his secret hidden family. This is the true definition of the ultimate fuckboy.
That Fuck Boy lied to me again and cheated on me again! I can't believe I keep falling for his lies!
by Fuckboy expert February 13, 2017
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Childish male who disrespects and screws over females and most likely has a small penis yet talks all this talk
Man, Jacob and Nathan are such fuck boys for screwing over those girls who are completely out of their league.
by Fucknathanandjacob February 21, 2016
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"Fucked"boy refers to the state in which the typical homosexual Fuckboy uses, breaks the heart of, or otherwise plays with the feelings of another gay in order to benefit themselves whilst damaging the other person in the process, the person "Fucked" over by the the Fuckboy is then referred to as the "Fucked"boy.
Adam: 'and so he left me.. hasn't called me since tuesday... what a fuckboy.'

Alex: Typical fuckboy, can't believe he wasted >>6 MONTHS<< of your time.

Adam: Guess that puts me into the hall of fame of all his Fucked boys
by Alfie-Furi November 17, 2018
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Someone who uses someone to get what they want like pictures and sex.

They like to make you think that they like you When really they are just a fuck bou
Molly: hey tyanna is that Eden?
Tyanna: yeah why?
Molly: do you still like him?
Tyanna: no, i dont anymore he is just a fuck boy. He used me
by Crazysnail November 15, 2015
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Fuck boy - a male who doesn't care about relationships, respect and women's feelings. All he wants is to get the 'pics' and sex and then he will just leave you for another women.
'He said he loves you but all he wanted was sex'

'He's such a fuck boy!'
by _headfuck69 February 11, 2016
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