the act of b-hole fucking a bitch and nutting in her rectal cavity, then proceeding to shit in her loose b-hole on top of her shit and the nut. then topping the delicious treat with a substance of your choice, preferably whipped cream.
chadd gave sam the biggest chocolate layered cake last night while paul video taped and added the final topping.
by grant leon October 2, 2007
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Basically anal sex...except for those that believe they are still chaste or "virgins" yet participating in anal sex.
All the BYU mormon students are having anal sex and call it "Chocolate Funnel Cakes" so that they still feel "worthy" and can still be "virgins" on their wedding night."
by tastercakes June 28, 2011
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n. poop.
Excuse me, I have to go bake a chocolate ass cake...

Uh oh. I have some chocolate ass cakes burning in the oven.
by cj February 23, 2004
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When you're doing anal and you get shit on your dick but still nut.
I pulled a chocolate lava cake last night on my girl.
by Bdogg117 February 5, 2018
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When you're fucking a girl in the ass that has a yeast infection and you pull it out and cum in her pussy
So your girl gave you some chocolate pound cake last night !!!!!
by FuQ2Bitch April 25, 2021
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When an individual takes a dump in his or her hand and proceeds to give a guy a handjob.
Aaron dropped a steamy one into his palm and gave Josh a chocolate pound cake.
by J.J.D. June 14, 2007
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When your girlfriend shits in your mouth and then you proceed to give her oral sex.
by RankDank123 July 19, 2017
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