a verb
a rare action
when people actually give a sh**
i care about you

nobody cares about what you care about
by Emizzle August 7, 2005
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Nice girl. No one hates her. Her laugh makes people laugh. She'll always cheer you up no matter what it is. Crazy all the time. Fucking hilarious, shes usually a prunk.
That girl, Carelys is such a crzy Prunk.
by p000pie October 25, 2008
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When your bestie buys you a teletubie stuffy.
Oh my goodness! You’re so caring, I love my teletubie stuffy
by Squidwardboyyyy April 26, 2021
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When honestly you don't give a shit .
When you don't care .
When you don't like the person talking nonsense and you say "care"
Person 1 . OMG I brought new clothes . The other day

Person 2. CARE.


by Vsw1ft November 12, 2017
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To think about someone or something in a very sexual manner.
Jane: "I don't want you going out there John. I care about you!"

John: "Oh, um... I didn't know you felt that way..."
by Servant 1832E October 28, 2022
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Peanut care about Butter and so are Butter. Together they are PeanutButter.
by cactusandballoon May 18, 2021
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A person who is descrbied as a stupid weird person with alot of emotions.
she is emotional he name must be Careli
by blue fish baby November 13, 2019
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