Usually a pro brawler is a mini man with anger issues and height insecurity, this names containing a pro brawler usually will be something like Blake, now be careful, if you tell Blake to get off brawl stats he will be pissed and probably swing at you, usually this kid tells his mom she’s a bitch for making him get off the game.
Hey! That pro brawler is beating that old lady up!
by Dan shoemaker May 25, 2022
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The insatiable desire to fight a mf, but for various reasons can't.
Friend 1: Why are you making fists?

Friend 2: I didn't notice I must have the Brawler's itch
by DR.SDR13729 April 13, 2023
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Fighter #51 in Super Smash Bros. 4 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Sexiest character alive.
Mii Brawler is the hottest motherfucker in this game and I will not have you say otherwise.
by MG53 May 4, 2023
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