A very skinny boy with hidden muscles in his arms. Usually wears glasses and plays kid video games. He’s hardly ever serious, and always loves to make others laugh. The more stupid a joke is the more he’ll laugh at it. He’s extremely kind and always puts others first. If you find a Daniel in your life, never let him go, because it’s impossible to be unhappy around a Daniel.
Savanna: “wow that boy is sooooo cute!!”
Me: “he’s probably a Daniel


“He’s such a nerd! I bet his name is Daniel”
by NovaStarco May 1, 2018
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The meaning of cuteness 😻 get yourself a Daniel just not mine :). And boo’s also an X’O
Did you see Daniel today he looked so cute. Oof
by STARGIRL💓 January 19, 2018
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Daniel is the most amazing person ever, he is the kindest, warmest, most caring person in the whole world, you would have to do something really bad to loose Daniel, and you would regret it till the day you die, NEVER EVER bitch about Daniel, if you his girlfriend and you say something about him.. Your whole world will come crumbling down, you would miss him so much, all you would want while your sad and lonely is a big tough guy that plays rugby called Daniel. But at one stage in your life you hope to get back to being friends, Daniel will make you cry, a heart that's been broke is a heart that's been loved.
Friend:hey how are you and Daneil?
Girlfriend:oh I regret loosing Daniel he's the nicest person in the world <3
by Roisins Lover April 14, 2017
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Daniel is a smart, funny boy, who is the always the leader of a friends group. He is kind-hearted, and always ready to lend a hand to anyone in need. He is a trustworthy friend who will never leave your side. His Youtube channel is the best. He is very sweet. You can always see him smile. He makes you feel like there is positive in the world around you. He makes you feel like you make a difference. He is a very generous guy who has many friends. He is the kind of friend you want to have. He is COOL!!
Daniel is super cool, he is the nicest person I have ever met!
by godisgood32 December 8, 2017
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Someone who is going to have a very successful life
that Daniel is going to be something in life
by Cheeckyslayer July 23, 2019
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The runt of the family. Daniels are almost always useless, ugly, and just weird. May be known by other names such as 'Nuff Nuff' and 'Smaniel'. If you do happen to come across a Daniel, approach by throwing rocks from a distance.
Dude 1: "What is that?"
Dude 2: "I think it's Daniel, quick grab a rock."
by samandy6910 February 5, 2018
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