Your my pilot B for when things go wrong.
by Shongi March 21, 2022
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A term for a pilot who after reaching the mandatory retirement age of 60 would not retire, but instead would move into the Flight Engineer seat, which does not have a mandatory retirement age.
1) My Second Officer was a herpes pilot. Those guys just wont go away.

2) The herpes pilot I'm flying with said he can't retire because he's got 3 ex-wives to pay off.
by UnitedBusDriver January 24, 2017
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Pilot Powder:

Noun: Unrefined cocaine, used to indicate a high so fucking strong that you literally fly. Literally.
Verb: To operate a crop-duster in a humanitarian relief capacity.

Note: Aviation should not be considered viable if you are a frequent drug user.
I absolutely fucking love pilot powder. I consider myself somewhat charitable.
by Veggie Dog Man June 5, 2023
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a sexual act that involves using a match or lighter to ignite a fart as the farter is hovering over the other's genitalia.
"She was looking to spice up our sex, so I brought a book of matches to bed and she gave me a German pilot light."
by jtets December 10, 2013
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An unreliable plane flyer who has a 50% chance or more of going up down kaboom. They always pray to Allah and carry a large black bag with them.
Speaker 1: ay bro, i heard that our flight has an arab pilot on it, i dont want 9/11 v2
Speaker 2: shit bruh, im dippin', im not tryna die today
by Curry monkey September 24, 2023
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The Crusty Pilot must not be taken lightly. This is when the pilot (usually in his 50’s) gets out of the cockpit mid flight to perform an orgy with everybody on the flight. Not compensating with the pilot’s needs can be dangerous, as his crusty cock can outrun any passenger.
Friend 1: How was your flight?
Friend 2: Holy shit it was amazing, I got hit with the ole Crusty Pilot.
Friend 1: You lucky son of a bitch.
by base bonwell March 15, 2018
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A homosexual, someone who practices trouser love.
Dude: Has Jimmy got a girlfriend?
Other dude: That shite-pilot? he likes the cock too much.
by MadMax1993 January 9, 2012
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