Someone that has so much swagger it's literally bursting out of them like fire
I thought I was cool then I met Kirstie, she's such a Swagger Dragon
by It’sMe! September 2, 2019
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Words pertaing to the Level of Swagness in use, the use of Swagocity itself or the amount of swag or lack there of in a person. Type of swag, and Levels of swag.
Auto Pilot

I Say "Dude Austin is on Autopilot, he doesnt Need a wingman"

He Then Says "I can not comprehend this use of Swagger Vocabulary"
by TheMasterFatman March 4, 2011
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Having so much swag that everyone just straight up kneels before you
Dude, he has so much swaggerity, He's like the 21st century Jesus!
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The pants that give you swagger to walk through life like a semi normal person.

(Swagger pants™️ is a trademarked term)
Yo bro, do the swagger pants dance! It’s a real panty dropper
by Blinging July 12, 2018
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the guy version of "feng shui." swagger is a newer term that mean style, pop, or flash.
ex:flat screen tvs, overstuffed leather couches w/a mini fridge built in, etc, etc would be considered fung swagger
by cloud surfer April 25, 2010
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A prostitute who lives in Nevada who rides people like horses with swag
"im gonna go find myself a saddle swagger for a fun night. SWAG!"
by pimpin4life September 24, 2011
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