The term “safety everything” is used to tell someone to do something regardless of what it is they have to do it if that term is said .
“ safety everything you have to go streaking!”

*Other person goes streaking*
by nonis March 14, 2018
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Expression used when talking about the windows program called Notepad.

It is only used when you want to tell anyone about opening , for example, a .JPG file (image file) on it
Person 1: "Dude look at this! Notepad opened this image!*

Person 2: "Well, like I told you, Notepad opens everything!"
by NormalFery April 6, 2022
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Bijective theory of consciousness which states that a discrete surface area can be divided arbitrarily into an uncountable number of surface areas.
The attention theory of everything propounds that the Vikaasian set of uncountable primes is bijective to the Cantor set of uncountable functions.

Implies that a surface area is a number.

Furthermore implies that a surface area comprises a set of uncountable prime numbers, greater than the set of Godel primes.

Thus surface areas are not only prime; but prime-in-themselves.
by metawave August 22, 2020
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Everything smart is when you’re not only gifted in one subject but all of them. like math, english, science ect.
some girls are math smart and science smart but i’m everything smart
by materialistic personality February 3, 2023
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