A circular opening in the human body that ingests or excretes baked goods.
"Dude, shut your dough hole!" or "That drunk guy still has crap coming out the dough hole."
by Overta Hill April 3, 2014
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When you have masturbated so many times that your sick is completely soft but you keep going.
Person1: “bro I was jacking off so much last night I ended up just yanking dough.”
by Sassy Hitler July 22, 2021
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If you are in need of Money, go roll more dough
Made crack with baking powder and got my c.r.e.a.m cheesecake. by staying hungry and kneading dough.
by Vin Nguyen July 2, 2017
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A overweight construction worker who hits fiber optics while digging a trench with a John Deere 135 excavator.
Hey, you "dough pig" why did you just hit that fiber?
by cring the bitch November 1, 2019
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The white discharge released when you’re enjoying some solo pleasure or having sex with a partner .
Wow you were so wet , every time I put it in you got some nasty dough.
by elzanzon March 9, 2023
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A gay sex act in which you have casual oral sex with a person suffering from a yeast infection of the mouth
How was last night?

Yeah... I gotta see the doctor. Last night I fucked Daniel in his hot, wet, yeasty mouth.

Hey man, isn't that called a San Francisco sour dough?

by Ericsegall April 4, 2021
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n. Phrase used to describe dropping a seriously large amount of money, dough, on any given purchase at any given time. Can also be used as an adjective, when saying you are Dough-Dump'ing'- In the process of dropping an Ass-load of money on any purchase.
Hey Jerry! My dough dump at the whorehouse turned out to be very profitable in my soul and in my bedroom!

Jay-Z's charity contributions ain't got shit on the dough I be dumpin' on the AIDS research foundation!
by Grammar_Freak_17 April 12, 2008
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