When you have anal with a girl and you get shit on your dick. Then she gives you a bj.
She sucked on the chocolate lolly-pop after you had anal.
by Pussy_Slayer21 February 8, 2017
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You know when you pull out too fast and the person receiving the anal shits everywhere? Well, it's that but you pull out to cum, and you jizz and she shits at the same time making a creamy mound of semen and fecal matter - a chocolate pie!
"Yo, so I was fucking Trish's ass in a spare classroom, and Principal Furwood walks in. Now she's screaming, I'm about to cum and the Principal looks like he's about to faint. So obviously, I pull out and guess what happens?"

"No... No way, you made a Chocolate Pie?"

"Exactly, bro! I swear, the look on his face, dude!"
by Yeah It's KK November 21, 2019
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Karen: Remember that crazy party where Paul shat in his hand and clapped while he was fucking Sharon?
Tom: Yeah, he told everyone it was called the Chocolate Pop Tart.
by HPdarealest August 18, 2015
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When you're taking a shit and it's not exactly solid but not liquidy enough to classify as diaheria and is almost like one long turd that is almost like a frosty
I shouldn't have eaten that Chinese food because now i got the chocolate frosties.
by Talonghoul March 14, 2016
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When you fill up the toilet with so much shit that your dick gets a little dirty. That's what we call a chocolate dip.
Man I just had so much diarrhea that I got a chocolate dip.
by ratdad209 February 4, 2023
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An extremely kinky sexual act, in which fecal matter is wiped all over the chin and up over the lip, creating a goatee of shit.
Asshole 2: Damn dude, I was so hammered last night I gave this total babe a fuckin Chocolate Dip.
Asshole 1: Oh, thats cool I guess. Hey, you got a razor? I feel like a grew a fuckin goatee over night.
Asshole 2: Oh fuck.
by Billy Buttcrack July 29, 2011
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