
1.) A person on social media ( usually female) who takes out their anger on the opposite sex by posting the usual "tiny dick" or "men are trash" memes but is the first person in line to call you trash if you do anything remotely close.

2.) A "feminist icon" who spends all day on Facebook, Twitter, Etc, accusing men of sexual objectification and yet she's seen both Magic Mike films on numerous occasions and frequents the local male strip club on a regular basis.
God damn you're such a hypocrite. You spend all day talking about "men being trash" when you were sleeping with a married man. You are the worst kind of double standard Debbie.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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When a guys truck is so nice it raises your standards for them
Girl: Jeff's like a 4
Girl 2: Yeah but his truck is lifted so he's like a 7 with truck standards
by Eddy graham May 28, 2014
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RFC APR-01 is the updated TCP communication standard used for 3WHS and is only available Annually on April 1st
Bro, the APR-01 standard has my tcpdump looking lit af
by twisty-networking March 30, 2018
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Used by Christians to try and tell poeple not to have sex, get drunk, and do drugs. Seldom works but there is progress they believe. Some people are no long doing drugs and having sex at the same time....sometimes.
Christain-gotta have morals and standards guys, abstinence is good for you.

Non-Christian. Absta-what.

Christain-No sex before marriage

Non-Christian - seems like a long time, are morals and standards really that important?

Christian- yes, but its your descion
by TheTrainGuy February 6, 2018
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So common and ordinary normal that you assume there must be some international standard that specifies the thing.
ISO Standard basic bitch, complete with Uggs and Frappuccino.
by Zefram March 28, 2018
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A fortnite addicted who says he’s not on it then I check my bros account and he’s on fortnite with 1 kill and 91 left he’s nice sometimes and he likes to be cool so yea.
Thomas f standard is fortnite.
by Dhlann(7 January 14, 2019
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