A unfunny "comedy"and in some cases a unfunny comedy can be so unfunny it becomes funny somehow. These are both examples of pseudo comedy.
Guy A. Have you seen the new Adam Sandler movie ? Guy B. Yes I heard it was incredibly unfunny a true pseudo comedy.
by Yaukza western killa August 25, 2021
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A "comedy" thats unfunny and can also be so unfunny its becomes funny again in the process.
Guy A. have you seen the new Adam Sandler movie ? Guy B. Yes I heard it was incredibly unfunny. A true pseudo comedy.
by Yaukza western killa August 25, 2021
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A piece of media that claims to be a "comedy" even though the work in question isn't funny at all and or is cringey AF. A pseudo comedy can also become so bad its good by being so unfunny it becomes funny in the process think the film the room for example.
Guy A. :have you seen the new Adam Sandler movie ? Guy B. :Yes it was incredibly unfunny. a true pseudo comedy if I say so myself. You would have to be dumb as an ape to enjoy that film.
by Yaukza western killa August 25, 2021
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A pseudo-penis is a penis like member found on an animal that, while superficially appearing to be a penis
Females and feminists with too much testosterone tend to grow a pseudo penis, a penis looking body part; not to be confused with Penis Envy
by Dr. Whaaa December 24, 2020
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A hair flip done by someone who doesn't actually have hair. Therefore it is simply a gesture equivalent to a hair flip. It can be used to mock someone, to show disgust or disdain, or just to be flamboyant.
After my boss went on a bitch rant, I gave my coworker the pseudo hair flip to show my frustration.
by Flaggit February 3, 2010
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A large, disruptive, and noisy fart employed to cover up coughs, Used as a disguise for COVID symptoms.
People in airport: “ew, dood that was disgusting!”
Friend 1: why Did u do that?”
Friend 2: I had to cough, but couldn’t risk missing my flight to get tested so I pulled a pseudo-fart.”
by 6millionjews November 30, 2020
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whine whine whine
i whinge about everything
omg stop spawn raping
we lost. gg n00bs
SASR || pseudo chance
by Bob March 14, 2004
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