Michel is an amazing guy everyone likes him but he only likes one person. He is scared to commit but loves talking to the people he likes. He is a joker so dont get to serious with him unless he is serious with you so if you like him be careful cuz he might joke about something you dont want him to, but we all know you’ll still like him. He’s awesome and if you dont like him then ur a disappointment. :)
person1: Hey whos ur crush
person2: Michel
person1: omg what rlly i heard he likes u ask him out
Person2: WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY! Ya we know he is sweet and all but you need to know him for a while for him to commit to that
person1: ok feez sorry
person2 its fine
by tounge__kid April 1, 2020
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Michel is a amazing beautiful girl who's very sweet and fun to be around. No matter how many times people call her the wrong name she continues to smile even on her bad days. If you find yourself a Michel never let her go, you will never find someone like her again.
omg! I wish I was friends with Michel!
by RRDDNMSN January 10, 2018
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The sexiest girl alive with an abnormal talent at gaming with amazing hair and the kindest personality a female could develop<3
Mich: Aw I look weird today
Jess: BITCH U CRAY! You look like a Michel today girl!
Jess: Would so bang ;)<3 even if slut^_^
by SexyBetch January 21, 2013
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Super passionate humanitarian, compassionate animal lover, very intelligent, humorous and very resourceful. A genuinely beautiful individual inside and out which is rare in this world!! Very friendly, honest and vocal in her opinions.. A perfectionist who wants everything at its best. A charismatic person who loves animals, boating, cooking and entertaining, gardening, shopping and taking photos. A VERY SPECIAL GEM UNLIKE ANY OTHER!!
"Michele always wins a war of wits through determination and strategy"
by Chelanna December 21, 2016
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Michelle is a girl who is always there for you even in the hardest times. On top of that she is very pretty, kind, understanding, athletic and hilarious. If you say something wrong, she'll forgive within 10 minutes. Has the prettiest eyes and tends to be on the shorter side. Michelle also accepts who you are and wont judge. Michelle is the perfect girl. Who wouldn't love her?!?!
Friend: Michelle, I think I like you...

Michelle: I felt just the same way! Maybe we could hang out or go ice skating!
by Diavolo89 June 21, 2012
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The definition of a perfect women, she is charming, lovely, selfless and strong. She fight for every goals in her life, and is trying to do her best, EVERYDAY. She gots the ability to fill up an empty room, with happiness and love, but if you mess around with her... Youre will regret it soon. I love this very special, freaky and adoreable women as nobody else. She means anything to me and i would never leave her. Michelle, if you read this I Love You <3
Michelle is my Universe.
by Kev36 December 31, 2016
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Michelle is a person who you would never want to insult or be mean to whoever does is a complete dumbass.
If you ever see a person like her she will be shy at first but after some time she will be the bestest friend you know.
Michelle shes so nice and amazing
by coffeebeet2779 January 24, 2023
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