The head of Christianity. He is also somebody a lot of people fucking need.
"Hey bro Hillary Clinton needs dome Jesus in her life"
by rwrwgwgregtrw December 6, 2020
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Tim: Jesus died for my sins, I love that guy.
Karl: Yeah, me too, thanks Jesus.
by Jiggywithit455 June 13, 2022
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A guy who's willing to care for anyone he knows. Jesus is always positive no matter how much you think you can turn him down. Sometimes you see him alone wondering what's he thinking, probably he's having emotional thoughts either that they like to embrace loneliness.Jesus usally loves doing sports because they love to entertain people that they can do so much more, he's very athletelic! Once Jesus falls for you , you will not regret it, he will take care for you, make time for you, heck he might even kiss you out of no where! Jesus will sometimes be nervous around you when your surrounded with your friends he likes it when your with him all the time.
Jesus:"What's up man is there anything stressing you out?"
Friend:"Sup Jesus, and yea my those juniors over there keep calling me names."
Jesus:"You know what you should ignore'em and try not to create conflict".
Friend: "Alright man thank your the best".
Jesus:"Anytime bud".
by WhiteFox106 November 26, 2018
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jesus mean his our father and saviour ,no body in this world will have his name ,because his name is to unique
by Huien December 29, 2017
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A carpenter who lived some time from 1 to 30 AD before getting executed by crucifixion.

In Christianity, he is God's son and sent to Earth to die for mankind's sins so it can be forgiven. Because of this, the cross is associated with Christianity.

Interestingly, in Islam, he is said to be a prophet rather than the son of God. He's also mentioned the most often compared to any other person in the Quran.

In both, it is written that he also preached (Christianity in the case of Christianity and Islam in the case of Islam). It's also written that Jesus was born to a person called Mary, who was a virgin - both religions agree that this was due to divine intervention.
Y'all need Jesus.
by a doorknob October 3, 2018
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Jesus is the Son of God who came to Earth to die for us and save us from sin. Remember, every breath you take is because of His love for you.
We go to church to celebrate and worship Jesus for He is lord of all.
by ncummins681 October 6, 2020
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