It’s a game where you have to use the same cumsocks every day when you jackoff. one month later you have to tie your filled cum socks and throw to your favorite teacher when it hits your teacher she will look like a white volcano
Haha I fucked your uncle then my uncle chalenged me to white volcano my teacher
by Stoinky dick cheese October 31, 2017
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When pubic hair is twisted into a upwards fashion, and then a drop of cum is added to the top. The cum will flow down in a fashion much like a volcano erupting
Damn, i should submit my white volcano as a science project.
by weswan March 1, 2016
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When you rip off the tip of a man’s penis and watch the blood spurt out
“Wow, bro I can’t believe she volcano packeted you!”

“Yeah man, she ripped it clean off”
by Boinkysploinkey February 4, 2022
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When you cum inside of a black woman's ass, and she Diarrheas up into the air making a fine geyser of cum, and shit.
Wow. Teresa offered if she wanted to do a black volcano with me, and it was amazing.
by SemenButtchugger April 16, 2023
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When a woman is in a very cold environment, it causes her breasts to shrink and compress until the contents of her breasts experience so much pressure that milk violently shoots out of her nipples.
Clarence: Dude yesterday I grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it down my girlfriend's shirt, and it triggered an ice volcano. That shit was so powerful it gave me a black eye.

Harold: Damn bro sorry to hear that.
by KarlPilkington January 2, 2016
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The act of eating a female out and her farting in your mouth and you vomit in her vag and she queefs it onto your face.
I got reverse volcanoed by a girl last night.
by Mamabear0232 March 14, 2023
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When a single person has so much swag, it just explodes from a volcanoe
Person 1: Yo that kid is like a total swag volcanoe!

Person 2: Yeah totally!
by NarwhalUnicorn66 November 7, 2011
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