This is marinated beef wrapped in aluminum foil and served in (very few) Chinese Restaurants as an appetizer. The marinade is believed to be mostly oyster sauce, hoisin sauce and sesame oil. The wrapped thin beef strips, about three inches long, are baked and served in the foil.
by the amazing shamandon July 13, 2011
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the deadest guy you will meet. Mans rizz is deader than the dead sea.
If you meet a gees ma cheese run
by monafahafaffafa December 28, 2022
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Means A 'Leader' a great leader who is very strict in rules and regulation, he don't accept 'fla fla flo flo', he has good ambition for his people and very righteous, a man of his word.
*Nigerians leader should be Glorified Gee..

*When I grow up I want to be Glorified Gee
by Glorified Gee February 5, 2020
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When your friend makes a typo of the word eggs in his biology lab report and the teacher circles said typo. Causes random outbreaks of laughter.
by Koonzie February 28, 2014
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Rather cool way for dudes who poopies in their pants from time to time as a form of a joke or prank. The end of the day it's for a good laugh with the boys.

GEE as in "OH *G*JEEZ-E" DITZ (D-ITZ) as in like Oops I've made a ditzy mistake "?

It's entirety remains unknown. However, it was popular in the western ny region which soon spread to the app "Tik tok" with a trend of people defecting their pants while in public and then proceeding to tell the closest *stranger* that they made A "Gee Ditz". To my knowledge it has been a NYS trend for some years now. However, due to the boom of the social media sites it Is finally spreading to other states/areas. Even as far as California where someone was the first one to bring it to the app about 2 weeks ago!! Believed to be originated at the copperhead establishment in Batavia, NY ( LOCATED BETWEEN ROCHESTER AND BUFFALO )as far back as 2015 but is now just recently gaining traction due to the almost TikTok famous content creator (who can not be named) and his crew of other content creators. Although the current trend has had some creators upset due to account violations for showing even a spec of the defecation the trend still continues to grow and grow on a daily basis!!
"Gee ditz right here right now at the bar and the both of us will give you 25 dollars each!!!"

"Yo Gee ditz tomorrow at school and we will give you our cookies from the lunch that you love"

"Did you see the Gee ditz video on tik tok this afternoon it was hilarious "

"Bro if you don't "Gee ditz" tomorrow in the break room you have to give me my 10 dollars back and the bag"
by Shy boy_shy boy January 1, 2022
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some kid told me that and ya theres no problem with being apart of the elgicbiccicdicque comunity. stop saying your acting gay its offensive to gay people : |
"stop acting el gee bee tee are you gay or smth"
by kim namjoon mafia lord January 27, 2022
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