It is a political-philosophical and spiritual thought based on the unity of peoples with a common origin for the preservation of their respective cultures, identities, customs and traditions, without losing their freedoms.

Unlike the Modern State and Liberal Nationalism, where the bourgeoisie aimed at centralizing power to optimize its economic and material interests, its purpose is to maintain the territorial integrity, unity and preservation of nations; however, above all, to maintain the spiritual bond between peoples. Its leader is a sovereign aristocrat, symbol of union, who, respecting local freedoms, only intervenes in subversive cases, such as: secessionism, political-social subversion, usury, criminality, acculturation, regional animosity and foreign invasion.
Do not confuse Traditional Empire with Imperialism: while the former defends its territory to avoid its disintegration; the second aims to conquer and dominate other peoples.
by tradical April 21, 2023
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The Troll Empire is a group on Twitter that trolls and colonizes groyper group chats
Groyper 1: dude I just got trolled

Groyper 2: fuck troll empire
by Skeet Master69 October 2, 2020
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A place full of idiots who think they are trolls but aren’t. Mostly full of members who don’t wanna talk at all so the staff have to be active.
“Hey dumbass ever been on troll empire?”
by TrolleyMan06 July 21, 2022
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A term for Fascist Italy when it was ruled by Mussolini. It refers to his preference for standing in the raised exterior balcony of an historical building when making a speech.
Italy wants to be an empire but all its become is an empire of balconies, a balcony empire
by Pepper Hudson June 21, 2023
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A powerful empire that ruled over the Mediterranean for roughly 2000 years. It is considered by many historians as the most influential empire in history; as it shaped Europe as we know it.
The Roman Empire went to war with the Persians.
by SSM4 Bloopers December 22, 2022
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Something that is so affiliated with something else one cannot imagine the first thing with out the second.

For example, Mickey Mouse is constantly referenced with or by his ears. One cannot imagine Mickey Mouse without his ears. The ears are Mickey's roman empire.
"Sharkboy and Lavagirl are each other's Roman Empire. Just like Mickey Mouse with the ears."
by Literary_Artist November 1, 2023
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A government that is trying to not get overun by a rebel force made up of kids and space wizards. and loses
WOW! The empire in Star Wars is so bad, sucks to be them.
by im normal March 30, 2021
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