Madison is your best friend. When you first see her you'll think "wow she looks way better than me" and want to change your outfit. Madison has the most gorgeous green eyes, and the perfect smile to bring up your day. Her hair is unbelievably soft and when you come over in the morning shes going to want you to braid her hair.. and then you guys will be late because of it. but dont worry. Maddie will make up some excuse about why you were late. The thing about Maddie, is that she thinks really deaply. she gets herself caught up in fazes. Madisons really laid back and easy-going but its hard to be her friend because you have to get her. you have to understand the little things like "lighting" and stuff. you have to be patient and give her time. Madison is the best, most caring, understanding,intelligent,funny, outgoing person you will ever meet. If someday you become her friend. TRUST HER. because she will NEVER lie to you. you might think somethings going on but you need to trust her because she will be honest. dont care about what other people say or tell you. dont screw up with Madison because although she might have some problems in her life. she will be the best friend you will ever have.
by society6 May 31, 2015
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The show that comes on during second period at our school. Usually, the host will make fun of some sort of concept at the school. For the first episode he proved that dance was not a sport. It's a lot like the Colbert Report only the Madison Report is actually funny, look it up on youtube you'll laugh.
girl: did you see the Madison Report?
boy: no
girl: ah, it was good one
by Jessica Miller April 16, 2008
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A city that can be described as “Austin on the Prairie” (or alternatively “Portland between two lakes”).
My sister went to college in Madison, Wisconsin. They keep it weird there.”
by TK2000 October 29, 2023
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Madison's are all around the most amazing guy you will ever meet. Madison's are funny and enjoyable to talk to. They can always put you in a good mood when needed. Madison's are very athletic and very attractive. Madison's are cute and caring and any girl would be lucky to have a madison.
Dang madison (guy) is very hot I want to talk to him
by Basketballer2 March 15, 2017
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A sexy mother-fucker with a deep voice that can total control you. When he talks you want to bang the shit out of him. His an ICONic Boy, and my future husband, BIIITTTCCHHHEEZZZ.
Me: See that guy over there?
Friend: Yeah.
Me: His name is Madison Alamia and his voice gives me a lady boner.
Friend: ...
by MAD'SGUURLL December 27, 2011
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A stone cold bitch who likes hard drinking, big dicks, and trouble. If she's dead, it's probably because she got wasted and offered the Grim Reaper a hand job or something.
"Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me." - Madison Montgomery
by Voodoo Bitch Queenie January 11, 2014
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one of the cutest beans alive! Our pansexual baby!

stream obx
Person: name a cute person rn
Me: Madison Bailey duh
by istanmyself June 12, 2020
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