The variation of the traditional Souvlaki considered traditional by a region or culture, for example the Kebab in Turkey, Burrito in Mexico or Snag from the barbie in bread in Australia.
On arriving in a foreign land or stumbling drunk into an unfamiliar place: "What's the local Souvlaki type dish here?"
by gdawz February 18, 2022
Get the local souvlaki mug. a shitty, and puddle of diarrhea school. Majority of students at evergreen think they are hood, but have only acted hood towards cornstalks. They vape and when they get caught they suck dick to get their vapes back. Evergreen is the most horrible school ever due to their lame ass rules and scumbags that they so call "educate" at Evergreen. Due to Evergreen sucking a massive dick at football all the guys like to trash talk because they are ass. Overall Evergreen is full of retarded wannabe hood boys who have grown up in cornstalks, trash talkers, and some dumb ass people for real.
The gay bar is located inside of Evergreen Local Schools.
by Realtalkingman November 5, 2019
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yeah you know that kid yeah? the wanna be gangsta with the cheap stunts (eg poppin up a bike tire, lighting a fire) then gettin caught and goes crying back to mommy
ey niam

yeah fam


nothin wanna pop a bike tire and lite sum fiyas?

nah blad stop being such a local bad boy

nah fam im ur local bad boi
by poggers? June 2, 2021
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the area(s) of intercourse through moving caused heat, and left redness b ehind, intensely.
in response to sex through longevity of motion causes heat to rise, and if the sex is good, its all intensely causing redness thereafter.
by baqi jackson November 13, 2003
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Yourself and three of your best mates having a 4way and a couple cans, because the footies on.
"Hey what's on for the weekend?"
"Yeah nah, just have a slow roasted local, the swans are playin"
by Slow roasted local June 24, 2017
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A phrase whose origins may have actually been intended at one point to be helpful. However its use today seems to be restrictive and would make one avoid local music scenes. It is entirely possible though that some or many cities uphold a more welcoming aspect when uttering this phrase. Within Ottawa, "Support local music" means either pop punk, emo or "hardcore" music as other genres "aren't marketable." There is also an antagonistic approach even to friends of the band or band member where they are expected to pay over being guest listed even if said person has limited financial means. The support seems to center specifically on money rather than listening to the music itself. One is also expected to do this for any local show, even if the band's genre is not to your preference because it's about them, not you.
Emo band: Support local bands, fam!
Fan: Are there any shows like rock, heavy metal etc?
Emo band: Nah, that's not marketable. Come to our show. $15.

Band: Support local bands!
Fan: I'll come to the show because I'm interested in hearing you guys play. Could I possibly be put on a guest list this time? I don't have a lot to spend and need the money for necessities.
Band: That's not support so fuck off.
by OneWhoWrites September 30, 2018
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the cancerous language that is used by a local

words like: sister, snatched, wig, tea, stan, unstanned, anything said by james charles.
person1: sister snatched my wig! person2: that's local talk
by lilkingtrashmouth November 10, 2018
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