A game that is fun at the start then sucks ass later on.
Runescape is fun I love this game *1 second later* Damn this game sucks balls.
by chinchilla2 March 14, 2006
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A place where 10 year olds go to cyber...
Jim: Hey John go on Runescape tonight.
John: ok, you wanna cyber eachother again!?
Jim: yeah, we're faggots because we play runescape!
by asdkfihoydtjhgklhmslfhn July 18, 2008
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This is a game that's more addicting than ecstasy, or LSD. It has a lot of skills to train on and is updated regularly, which makes it really hard to quit. the graphics blow ass, the music sucks dick, and the plot is crappy. I once go stuck and addicted, and it took a year of my life o get back up :(

kid1: hey, did you go to the party last night?
kid2: no.....I was busy....making.....stuff.......
kid1:Runescape right?
kid2:......i guess......
----------1 month later----------------
kid2 hey, yesterday i finally made everysigle quest in RS!!?!?!?
kid1: you know, you should really get a life dude......
by Licanthroppe May 8, 2008
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Pretty much the opposite of fun. Fishing, combat, and woodcutting all play exactly the same, and all involve reading something in another tab until you stop hearing noises.
by ihatemyselfandiwanttodie June 20, 2010
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A RPG game which sucks. The only way you could like the game is if you have a Boy/Girl Friend that is probably thirteen who is self-conscious about His/Her appearance and you actually think they look like what they look like in the game.
Boy1: Hey babe I see you flexing dem hot arms while you be woodcutting. Maybe you could come over to my house, I have a house you know, I have 99 Constructing Skill, see look at my cape! I'll fish you some Swordfish too.

Girl1: Hey I already got a boy toy, so you better be stepping of because he's got 99 strength and can whoop you.

Boy1: That's alright I got 99 Defense!

Boy2: Hey You Best be stepping off my woman or I'll send you back to Lumbridge!

Boy1: That's alright i got 75 Magic and can teleport back with my runes.

Boy2: Lets go n00b!
Boy1: Ok!

Random Boy: Runescape FTW!
by Fiesta Mix September 2, 2009
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Runescape is an addicting game it consumes the young mind evry child who goes on it cant come off its very annoying trust me i know i have been addicted to this game for 2 years. but i have stopped now
My freind:
Jordan:wow look at my new totally cool runescape account with 30 mage and 1 strenth
School bully:im going to kill you so much you pee blood
by Rune scape hater February 26, 2007
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(n.) an interactive internet based RPG. Runescape is thought to be the devil contained within java script. playing this game signs a contract of consent for the devil to consume your soul. Your life will be in shambles and your hair will fall out in clumps.

"i have been playing runescape since may of last year, ever since, my life hasn't been the same. My wife has left me, my son smokes pot uncontrollably and my daughter eats cow manuer for fun."
by Smutwagon10 September 16, 2006
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