Turning the word idiot from a noun to an adjective.
more fun way of saying stupid
"Why would you through away money? Thats Idiotic!"
"person 1: "Yo, u kno wat happend to me was night? I
thought i was having sex, but it was just my

"Person 2: "How idiotic is that you gay ass poo head!"
by Mini-Mouse July 5, 2006
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an ironic way of saying "that's idiotic".
"Did you hear they're making us wear uniforms to work?"
"Yeah, that's idiot".
by hitzity November 23, 2005
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To pull an idea out of your ass and speak it loudly makes you an idiot
by LORI March 22, 2005
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a group of people who does fun, stupid and random things together while being proud of it.
" who knows what those bunch of idiots are up to next! "
by oh! you know it! October 9, 2009
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Someone who is blinded by the beauty of Apple products. They do not care about the specifications or the price, but just think about the beauty of it.
Jhon: Just got myself an iPhone 5S, best phone ever.
Robert: got myself the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, got no problems with it so far.

Jhon: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 sucks, all phones sucks except iPhone!
Robert: Jhon, you are blinded by the iPhones beauty, you are an iDiot.
by DwarfJuglet October 14, 2013
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Person: I'm going to McDonalds to get a salad!

Me: You are an idiot.
by Ish_Kapish August 3, 2014
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Any person that continues to buy Apple's stale recycled products.
Look at that iDiot clammering to buy the new iPhone 5
by Arkitekt September 14, 2012
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