He is a teacher's pet, and his taste in music is 90's to the '80s so it is not good, he will brag about anything and everything he can brag about, when he is mad he stays silent and tries to make other feel bad for him.
"Bro Dane is So annoying"
by Weirdo_701 April 21, 2022
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Dude , I can't remember, I must of got daned
by Mrs hum November 20, 2021
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A very out going Girl. Usually short and brown hair. She is usually very nice. But say the wrong thing and... well... let’s just say that you better pray.
Girl 1: Hey Daneli! Wait... are you eating ice cream and fries?!
Daneli: Yea. So?
by AnimeWeeb_2009 February 5, 2021
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When you ask someone to do something with you, but you are already know the answer is going to be no, therefore it is logical not to ask, but you ask it anyway, just for to hear Him say: PHHHH biztos nem, and then when you start doing it without him, after 2 seconds He is going to say: Na valaki ossza meg.
-Hey Danee, will you come play with us?

-Why would you even ask, ofc he is gonna Daneeing
by ferhed10 April 4, 2021
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One of the greatest Danish inventions, created around the 10th century and was commonly used by Viking elite and could break bone even through chainmail
Anglo Saxon: Watch out, a Dane is running right at you with a Dane axe and no consideration for ones life
Dane: Jeg vil rive ud i din tarm!
by DragonDan March 24, 2019
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A person that can’t help the team when he is needed.
That’s such a Dane Move
by Jkuerzi2018 January 30, 2019
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