The practice between lovers, while conversing, of lapsing into extended prattling of the utmost intimacy, either in seclusion or via telephone or public whispering. In its best realization, no topic is out of bounds, nor is any shame or inhibition evident. Arousal is a necessary outcome.
"Every time Barb & I make phone contact, her sultry voice inevitably leads us both into Naughty Nattering."
by Whatabob October 28, 2017
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an activity that this boy named brye hoffman always asks me to do with him, and i always say no.
girrrrl, wanna come over and naughty tango later tonight?" "NO brye i didn't want to last night and i dont want to tonight either.
by djjasxxx August 5, 2010
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The naughts and crosses equivalent of strip poker, naughty and crosses is a situation where you play naughts and crosses and the loser of each round takes off a piece of clothing.
“We should spice things up tonight...”
“You're so right! Let's play naughty and crosses!”
by C L G February 5, 2021
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A group of friends that are bad behaved in their fathers eyes, but really they just love jesus and want to serve him. But they are so awesome and usually come in groups of four. Some of them may be gay or look gay but that what makes them so cool. They all have so much love for each other and even if they stop talking for a while you know they’ll always be best friends
Girl 1: those girls are such naughty peasants!
Girl 2: i know right, they’re so cool.

Girl 1: *hmph, I want to be a naughty peasant
Girl 2: *sigh* I wish
by Edieeee November 4, 2019
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When a girl and a guy are fucking, the guy takes his dick out and shoves pumpkin seeds up your vagina. Then the guy take a pink bendy straw and sucks them out.
Dude, me and this girl were doing the Naughty Hosway and her mom walked in on us and shit a chicken!!
by Magjames Hedgelad November 2, 2009
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To wake a person with oral or anal stimulation
Cath woke Jack for some naughty brekkie as a birthday treat
by Cheekster1985 April 14, 2023
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