Verb, Adjective, Noun

When a man ejaculates a pinner/small amount of semen and/or when a man has a boring orgasm, typically caused after frequent masturbation or multiple rounds of sex.

Originated from Vancouver BC via. KVu and Alex
Alex: Man I was fucking this bitch third round and I just had a poot.
Kay: Aw man I hate pooting.
by KhVu September 14, 2017
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A pathetic fart. Usually before pooping, or during pooping, a little toot comes out.
D: *flushes toilet
K: *flushes toilet, *POOTS
K: ahhh I just pooted.
by Togetherselves April 3, 2019
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Derived from the word pooter (meant for entomological purposes) meaning the desire to suck someone into a small vial and keep them in your collection forever. Can also be used to suck the life or other substances out of someone.

Other derivations include: pootibility, pootage, pootosity, pooting, poot poot
Me: 10/10 would poot
Friend 1: yeah pootibility through the roof

Friend 2: poot me hard daddy

Friend 3: her pootage is unreal
by Entomodel August 5, 2017
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when someone does something rude or dumb. or insults you.
kennedi: did you see what miranda did to leah?
lauren: ikr, that was so poot of her

lauren: your ugly and annoying
kennedi: that was really poot of you
by peachesSTDS May 13, 2020
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I hooked up with this hung dude, but he just pooted.
by Scalpel_2_5 May 8, 2020
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Combination of the words “poop” and “toot.” To poot is to poop and fart at the same time; most commonly unintentional. Not uncommon among babies and elderly people.
I thought I just had a fart, but I accidentally pooted. Excuse me, while I go clean myself.
by thatoneguy87 November 26, 2017
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