1.A fun name to call someone
2.its like calling somone gay or a fag, but worse
theirs a ginger sitting in front of you in the bus and you start harrasing him, when he starts to talk you yell,shut up you "sperm burping butt pirate"
by MR. Bower April 28, 2009
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the answer to end all discussion, friendly or foe, concerning moms, sisters, girlfriends, significant others, et. al.
Statement: Your (mom, sister, et. cetera) is such a whore, she was busy getting mushroom stamped by the lollipop guild while the seven dwarfs where tunneling their way down the big rock candy mountain!
Reply: shut up you sperm burping granny banger!
Response: .... nothing.... that's right.... nothing
by Pimp JimmyZ October 23, 2008
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A homeless gutter residing fish like human who swims in giz. Often found studying "Murphys" law.
Christina the Trout Townsend has recently been spotted off the coast of Long Beach. Stay away from this sperm burping gutter slut, Sean Murphy has infested her with cooties.
by dr.willow January 23, 2007
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A classic sex move in which you fire a big load down your favorite biatch's throat, followed by handing her a can of her favorite highly carbonated beverage. After she takes a big drink, vigorously shake her head back and forth and enjoy the show!
A big nut and a can of warm Jolt transformed Kelly into a cum guzzling sperm burping bitch last night.
by Jason January 9, 2004
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When you stick yourself with a needle and inject heroin into the blood stream and your arm bubbles and you get aid's.
I was doing heroin when suddenly i had a heroin burp and I was sent to the hospital and now I have aid's.
by The real urbandick February 25, 2017
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a burp that occurs when rolling (doing molly or ecstacy). a roll burp is typically long, deep, and feels like the best burp you've ever had.
dude 1: I feel a roll burp coming on..

*burps deep for 8 seconds*
dude 2: whoa dude, nice roll burp. isn't this rave awesome, man?
by jer16821 March 24, 2016
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