A slang term from philly used by broke mfs mostly in school. It’s just another way to ask for a dollar.
Guy 1: Yo bro let me get a yank real quick

Guy 2: I don’t even know you boul and ion even got it on me
Guy 1: Damn ight can you piece that cookie tho?
by Sluzzledude August 15, 2021
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To Choke the Chicken, or in simipler terms, Masturbate.

Ex: "Suzies just tryna get her Lizard Yanked."

"I Yank the Lizard 8 times a day, 8 days a week.
by LizardYanker69 October 16, 2017
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When you have masturbated so many times that your sick is completely soft but you keep going.
Person1: “bro I was jacking off so much last night I ended up just yanking dough.”
by Sassy Hitler July 22, 2021
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A ballbusting term of endearment from one guy to another that accuses them of yanking their penis to masturbate.

Syn: Masturbator Tosser
by crackerlicious December 18, 2009
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