Any music or song you personally find shitty.
Why you listening to all these poo tunes bruh?
by ShapSquatch December 13, 2016
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The latest NOW CD is an also lite tune wagon!
by Phurl October 14, 2019
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tuning more than one bitch at once
to get into multiple pairs of pants.

The act of tuning is to be really nice to a girl and tune her so she is ready for you to make a move and not reject you

To be on the multitune usually requires skill and many different technologies. it is most successful when the girls dont know each other
On facebook chat
Boy: Hey babe
Girl: Hey
Boy: <3


On Sext
Boy: Hey babe
Girl 2: Hey
Boy: <3

Boy 2: Whats doing?
Boy: Not much just on the multi-tune
Boy 2: Get some !
by McGanga March 27, 2011
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To steal a DJs best tunes whilst they are DJing or from a recorded show using an app such as Shazam to identify the track. This is usually done in secret or on the sly so as not to offend the DJ or, so you can ask the DJ to give you the names of tracks that Shazam couldn’t find.
Friend 1 “this is a banging tune!”
Friend 2 “yeah I know bruv, tune raped it off him last week, haha”
by omgitssomeoneelse May 29, 2015
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when you buy an itune based on the short 30 second snippet on itunes.. and discover it actually sucks.
You: i just got the new Alien Sex Fiend tune and it sounded good in the part they play on itunes -- Itunes left out the screechy woman part.

Him: total lie-tune
by ZapZhong January 15, 2010
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"dude she was stacked, after a few beers I was, "tuning in moscow" and she let me,,
by vinman59 April 13, 2021
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