Also a blogh job. A type of bullshit job - a pseudo business - that takes all of a person's time without any profit.
- Hey, John, what have you been doin' with yourself lately?
- Been doin' my blog job.
- Have you blown enough to rent a room and move away from your mama?
- Nah, a blog job is not that much paid as a blowjob...
by Murdoc Kylburne February 13, 2019
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When you religiously read someones blog whom you are no longer associated with
Stuart is always reading Dana's blog; What a blog stocker!
by hclegg92009 June 19, 2008
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It's a computer geek term. It doesn't really matter what it means it just sound so useful. It sort of rolls off your tongue. Just begs to be repeated. Sounds like words you could use for anything.
ping your blog, Pinging my blog, pinging her blog, Hey ping my blog. I got my blog pinged today! Hold on a minute, I'm pinging my blog. I was in my front yard pinging my blog. Wassup dog, jus pingin muh blog
by Iftakhar August 18, 2009
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A blog that excessively indulges in yellow journalism and celebrity worshipping.
It's the blog version of a tabloid, usually lacks original content but tries to pretend like it's very essential for the internet community.
masala blogs are maintained to keep people's low self-esteems hidden
by maapi October 5, 2006
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That nauseated, there-is-no-hope feeling, that comes on after reading blogging that doesn't exactly cover the medium in glory.
Q: "Hey, man, haven't seen you post to the blogs in the last few days".
A: "Yeah. I had a research paper to do on Christian blogs, and I've still got a pretty bad case of mal de blog.
by Kurt Hagadakis February 24, 2010
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To purposely falsify ones own age, for the express purpose of enticing the opposite sex. Average age reduction is 6-8 years, and this phenomenon is most commonly found on internet dating sites.
Girl 1: Did you see CamaroLover87? I can't believe he's only 28
Girl 2: I saw that guy the other day buying a Toto cd. He's 28 in blog years
by SherktheJerk May 18, 2011
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