When you think you got to fart so you do, but its just a shit
1) You alright

2) Yeah i just got to Fart

(fucked up sound)

1) What was That

2) I Did a shart
by Cryptic-Code265 August 6, 2014
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A shit-fart; farts which occur when the colon is filled with feces, causing horrifically smelling flatulence.
Dude, go take a dump already; your sharts make me want to puke.
by Idroppedapbiology2011 June 11, 2011
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That which is almost, but not quite, "the shit." A runner up or close second, causing one to take notice, but not alter his or her life path in any significant or compelling way.
FAN #1: "Dude, that performance was the shart! I mean that christian rock band nailed it in a kind of...insignificant way.

FAN #2: "Yeah man. They WERE the shart: a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but not fully committed."

FAN #1: "Dude, sort of like the best of both worlds."
by Gern Blanceton March 2, 2010
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to fart in your pants with oozing poopie dripping down ur leg
Oh no one that one was a shart
by ZACKOOO March 19, 2017
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A shart is when you play Russian Roulette with your butthole and you get the bullet.
Guy 1: "Dude, what happened to Dave? How did he die?"

Guy 2: "Oh, well he was playing Russian Roulette with his butt and got a shart."
by DeathclawFallout August 21, 2012
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Hoping to take a quiet shit but a fart echoes in the bowl, causing everyone in the public bathroom to know you just sharted.
by Calilily June 3, 2013
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A shart is when you relax for a fart but accedentily what your pants.
by GreenDaygirl2005 January 9, 2017
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