What you get to eat after an Amish guy finishes in your wife
Babe what’s for dinner? “Amish soup”
by Smc386 January 27, 2022
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The act of pulling ones scrotum ( ballsack) over the top of their buttoned jeans while wearing a belt. The ballsack should then cover up his, ( or now days, her) actual belt buckle revealing the stressed testicles. Then is common practice to show to your friends to make them laugh.
Hey guys!! What do you all think of my new Amish Belt Buckle!?
by KKALEB December 6, 2017
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1) A new fetish porn popular with the kids.

2) Where an Amish woman has sex with multiple family members under woolen sheets
Did you see the new category on Porn Hub, Amish gangbang?
by Lauike69 March 8, 2021
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The opposit of a landing strip. This is furry, unmanicured disaster.
Used in a sentence "I tried to go down on Martha, but she had an Amish Runway."
by Kirin sushitwink October 15, 2013
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The Amish rocket is the process of using your own, hand churned butter, to utilize as lubrication for your asshole during an Amish gang bang.
We really cranked that Amish rocket, Jeremiah.
by Gigi banks July 22, 2023
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When a girl named Jordan takes it the rear, involves lots of peanut butter and fetal pigs.
Dude, i gave this girl named Jordan an Amish Hayfield yesterday, i wiped peanut butter all over a fetal pig and shoved it up her rear
by Chodletin May 27, 2009
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The result of a handjob continued after orgasm. So-called because of the churned result from a low-technology method.
"Hey Mitch, you're walking kind of funny."
"Yes, I'm a bit sore after making Amish butter last night."
by DunkinGas June 25, 2022
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