A living fucking hell. The teachers are demons in disguise. The principal is fucking Satan. That's school for you.
Person 1: I love school!
Person 2: Get the fuck out of my house.
by quacker_ February 22, 2021
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A place you go to make sure your youth doesn't get too interesting
Wanna do something else than going to school today?
Yeah, not really, i've been in school so much i'm not really comfortable doing anything else than been told what to do
by Janzord April 4, 2016
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by Imadick19603 December 1, 2015
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The definition of Hell and one of the most useless things in human history
by Oof_TheChungasGuy October 30, 2020
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A complete waste of time.

A system for education that still uses methods from the Industrial Revolution to make hard-working, mindless, apparatchiks (People with no independent thoughts). Teaches information that at least 80% of them will never be used. Stays in the past and tortures students by making them work harder than an adult who works part-time, by spending their mornings for no practical reason and giving them more work for the afternoon so they get ready for the next, boring day.

The old people who rule schools think in the past and are afraid of computers. They don't really allow fun, they want every student to be successful in selected subjects that won't help them with life and are okay with seeing people lose the best years of their life. The teachers, on the other hand, some of them hope for a better future and do nothing to change it, others are proud of leading youngsters to nowhere, and other exceptions like to help students have fun and enjoy life while learning the useless preset things they were assigned to teach.

School also doesn't help children find their passion. In fact, as the school was made almost 300 years ago, without really wanting to do so, prevents them from being original and doing what they love. As school wants us to remember what useless thing we should have learned during the morning, it prevents us from doing freely what makes them happy and calm.
School won't really help you. Trust me.
by Grammar's Synonym Roll July 21, 2020
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School is


Rip if in school
by Rayzor2424 January 22, 2020
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School is technically the reincarnation of Hell and is a place where kids waste seven hours of shit and other stuff, and the school is technically fucking prison, and school isn't even necessary until shitty college! Fuck school.
School is shit. But homework is worse.
by artboy22 July 18, 2020
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