A synth-punk band from San Francisco, California who have a very unique sound in the alternative rock community. Members include Byron Blum, Melissa Blue, Bratty Matty, and Aaron Diko.
Kid 1: Hey have you heard of POW! yet?
Kid 2: Nah, im not into that punk rock stuff. I will give them a listen though.
by glitchkid September 9, 2018
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The essence of all that is good, true, and fuck yo couch.

Also, giving a great effort. The affirmation of a responsibility well executed.
Have you had pizza Charlie? It’s fucking boom pow.

The bulgogi in Korea is boom pow!

Did you clean up the table?
Boom pow!!
by Teen Wolf Howl August 30, 2019
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Similar to the gobble gobble, but with the addition of your friend inserting explosive devices into a glass bottle and trying to recap said bottle.
Bobby ruined our common room again, this time with a gobble gobble pow pow.
by Walsh 407 November 26, 2015
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How Daffy Duck responded to the bear's sway-mooning him after crossing over to the other side of the hunting-boundary --- i.e., he was offended by the bear's cheekiness, and so he fired some shots in the bear's direction at the next chance he got.
Shortly after Daffy Duck performed the whole, "Grizzly's got a booty like --- POW! POW! POW!" routine, he did indeed manage to score a glancing hit on the bear's butt and blow off a patch of fur, so the bear vengefully stuffed Daffy's beak full of shotgun-shells and catapulted him through the air so that he slammed head-first into a tree, setting off the shells one by one and causing massive jets of flame to blast out of Daffy's mouth for some time afterwards.
by QuacksO October 22, 2018
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