A person being such a large douche the word "douche bag" does not do them justice. This, however, is not nearly as large as a douche silo.
Man, he is being an extreme douche today! Like a douche wagon!
by Mrs strawberry shortcake November 10, 2011
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A laser pointer used by someone who brings it to a party to show off as it gets dark
Spence-dawg shot his douche torch into the sky but no one could see it beyond the porch.
by redtenor May 30, 2011
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A person, usually female, that only attracts douchey men. Quite like a light house brings in ships from storms.
Man, that chick is really cool but she is such a douche beacon.

Guy 1: Why does that chick stay single all of the time, she's really cool.

Guy 2: She knows that she's a douche beacon, she has completely given up on dating.
by Wittless September 30, 2014
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What else could a douche cabinet possible be, besides a big pussy that stores a lot of douche
Hey carl! Did you hear about Emily!? I heard her "douche cabinet" could hold a model train.
by Fastcracka January 11, 2017
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When a female liberates a vaginal discharge on a item of furniture, clothing or other object. Douche marks are usually the bi product of sexual intercourse.
Man you and your lady left some wicked douche marks on my couch last night.
by The Laughing Man EP October 5, 2007
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Usually a young man from the Northern East Coast area. Always has a "wing man" (also a Gym Douche). They usually wear Air Jordan shoes & basketball shorts, and baggy shirts with the entire sides cut out. Also sporting their fresh Blow Out haircut. They make copious amounts of noise and hit on the local gym girls. They also believe that they own portions of the gym and have certain rights that "Regular Members" don't have.
Regular Member: "Hey man are you using these 20lb weights?"

Gym Douche: "Yeah I have two more sets."
Regular Member: " Ok. What about those 25's right next to you that you aren't using?"
Gym Douche: "Naw man I'm using those too."
Regular Member: Sighs under breath "What a douche!"
by Kahjitte January 15, 2012
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doing something that would be qualified as being a douche.

being a complete asshole when is suits you..

pulling a douche-bag move
Dude, Tom is such an asshole, he needs to quit with all his douche-fuckery

Hitting on your best friends girlfriend is douche-fuckery
by Miss_Carousel March 23, 2010
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