Misspelling of 'claimed' by the youtuber PipeTron in a game of Town of Salem.
2 c;ao,ed ng (misspelling of bg)
by Legend423 December 8, 2021
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Yo do you know Joshua c coy? Yeah he is a bad ass motha fuqqa
by Sirnakk December 12, 2021
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It means when someone suck u lol
Jim: Pam gave le S U C C
Pam:*dies of laughter*
by ur mom oof May 29, 2018
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A meme on the interwebz of the Meme Man with the word “S U C C” paired with a poorly edited filterz.
Literally no one:
Not a soul:
Me: How many layers of irony are you on rightn now? Like maybe 5 or 6 right now my dude. You are like a baby. Watch this: S U C C
by MinecraftRulesDotCom June 13, 2020
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place object on thee mouth and inhale causing object to stay
why s u c c

when u can place object on thee mouth and inhale causing object to stay
by kanashi awa March 22, 2018
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Cialis, the drug that helps one maintain an erection for long periods of time
"Wow, i am so glad that i had pleny of captain c's on hand for the marathon of sex i had with mia this weekend. A true miathon needs Capt. C's!"
by mia's friend August 27, 2007
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Going to the Turkey Creek shopping plaza and hunting for women with large breasts
Let's go back to Knoxville for some T. C. Mellon Huntin'.
by Peepeepoopoo694208008s March 5, 2022
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