A breakfast that is free at a cheap hotel consisting of food that has been put in warmers for too long and made for the masses.
I went to a cheap hotel and got a hash hog breakfast that was dried out and cold – but it was free!
by Cheap Traveler June 25, 2023
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Term used to 'covertly' communicate one's opinion on the attractivenss of another human being, a roundabout phrasing of "smash". Can be used in many circumstances, as part of a sentence or as a stand-alone exclamation. Partciularly useful in the presence of girlfriends/wives and preferable to "I'd plow that into the ground".

Silent 'h' is preferable to achieve the desired effect, leaving the sound of 'Sam-ash'
1. On seeing an attractive piece of biatch flesh in the street,

John: "Sam-Hash!"
Girlfriend: "What???"
John: "Just remembered someone's name from work."

2. Guy 1: "Would Sam-Hash. Defintiely Sam-hash."

Guy 2: "Smashtastic. A solid smash out of smash"
by Sirty1000 April 9, 2011
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When you take the old barfly home at last call, they're not great but they are there at the bottom of the bag and you won't be against taking it, but you're a little disappointed in yourself for it.
I took a soggy hash brown home at 3am. Look I'm not proud, but it happened.
by Vipcard3 March 17, 2019
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To make something disgusting or unpleasant.
This whole day has been fish hashed. I haven’t eaten a fish taco in two years because of that fish hash nonsense.
by eatmorchickn May 26, 2021
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When some one says or does something to bring you down off of a high (emotional or induced)
By giving me that news you are completely hashing my mellow I had going.
by Wafflehouser April 10, 2014
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A much more superior way of saying "harshing my mellow". It means to hash a mellow. People named Sophia often don't use this as they should.
by Skiptim November 6, 2020
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1987; year of the hash brown sandwich and the 3-5
Would love to wrap my mouth around a hash brown sandwich right now!
by NJKid09 July 30, 2017
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