To be an incredibly environmental lover.
A very caring person towards the Earth and its living things (mostly animals). Often expressed to Vegans
"I've started a new diet, I've become a vegan. Its almost been 21 days and I'm proud to say I've made it through the toughest times"

"Stop being such a tree hugger and eat some meat"
by Connie A. April 28, 2015
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A young fucko, most likely reared in Marin County, home of the rich dysfunctional parent. They don't like the timber industry, yet their fucking house is made from wood. Pretty much just a worthless shitheap of a waste of human flesh.
Dude1: Dude, I just recieved a congressional medal of honor bor beating the shit out of some tree huggers.

Dude2: I know, I laughed my ass off when that tree hugger was killed by a falling tree. What a fucko!
by Jaggo March 21, 2004
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a person with absolutley no academic qualifications who protest about roads and shit(they didnt get there by teleportation)not true environmentalists like dr david bellamy or david attenbrough who choose to inform not dig up the corpse of somebodys mother as a protest because they own a gerbil or hamspster farm. typically a middle class college drop out who cant fathom that meat is not murder it is food, and they want to get off with some stinkin weirdo who pass rags off as invironmentally and socio/economic fair trade fashionable clothes made from hessian sack.
see them fucking tree hugger people i'd love to run over them in my gas guzzlin humvee
by da original playa June 2, 2006
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Group of fake ass bitches that don't mean shit also, they think they all that but in reality they a bunch of Dumb ass females
That group of tree huggers like to start mess.
by Duckkiller123 May 16, 2017
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1)An environmentalist that believes no trees should be chopped down or harmed.

2) A "hippie" or survivalist that believes only those trees to supply those who live off the land, should be cut down.

3) Paul Walker
A tree hugger believes the lives of trees are as valuable as peoples.
by JerBear1980 December 7, 2013
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a tree hugger is a female or male who likes an african americans large penis.
Girl 1: I love black guys
Girl 2: damn girl you be a tree hugger
by josh semi March 27, 2008
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When a man drills a hole in a tree, and then fucks it.
by Lucario6669 September 26, 2016
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