Central Catholic Syndrome, or CCS, is a psycho-social disorder resulting from attending Central Catholic High School in Portland, Oregon.
Guy 1: "What was with that crazy bitch at the party last night?"
Guy 2: "I think she has CCS."
Guy 1: "Oh, that explains it."
by Arvydas December 8, 2008
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The so popular and classy "Cheers'C*nt!", started in the Sydney suburbs not by locals but international students.
Following that the classic GC = Gay C*nt or DC = Dopey C*nt appeared
Widely used by waiters and bartenders in order to stay classy in front of customers while paying the utmost respect to colleagues (like little code names if you may).

Also sounds like the "si, si" used by Frenchies, Italiens or Spanians in their respective languages.
Matt- "mate, can you give me your tray for a sec?"
Dan- "there you go..."
Matt- "CC"
by tunetune November 20, 2013
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An individual that has experienced the act of circumcision.
One who is circumcised.

1) Vince "Hey are you a cc?"

Nick "Sure im a cc."

Vince " HEYYY CC!!"

2) Robbie "Hey man, cc .. cc (handshake)."

Josh " Ya man cc. I love it."
1) Vince "Hey are you a cc?"

Nick "Sure im a cc."

Vince " HEYYY CC!!"

2) Robbie "Hey man, cc .. cc (handshake)."

Josh " Ya man cc. I love it."
by Vince72 November 16, 2009
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Super wack online skateboard monoply. Supported by all the faggot poser kids. (Similar to Zumiez)
Specializes in Justin Bieber attire, like tight colorful jeans, and Supra Skytop shoes.

CCS is an acronym that stands for:
Cheab Cheab and Some more cheab.
(Look up the word cheab for full understanding.)
Yo Lom, where did you get that lame ass skateboard?

CCS! But I still can't kickflip.
by ShredGnarShark September 6, 2011
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Camera Credits.

When someone takes a picture with another person's phone or camera.
Example 1:
Poster: group pic with my best friends

Commenter 1: pc : John Appleseed cc : John Appleseed's iPhone

Example 2:

Poster: group pic with my faves
Commenter 1: pc best picture taker haha
Commenter 2: cc haha my phone takes the best pics
by 2003bruh July 14, 2015
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Something odd people do which is replacing words with "ck" at the end with "cc"
"Thicc" is just "Thick" with "cc" replacing the "ck".
by ave_scientia October 31, 2018
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