homosexual word used by most homosexuals to describe their day do not use unless followed by cool or awsome.
guy1: "my day has just been super!"

guy2: " oh really (cough) homo."
by killasights April 22, 2009
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(sue•purr) adjective
~gay related or homosexual in nature, usually used in a positive manner
~also used to describe a person as being gay, as in "Hey, that guy is Super!"

Word was originally associated with gayness by "Big Gay Al" on the show SouthPark.

see also fagolicious, queer
Steve: Hey Tristain, those new thong underwear are SUPER!

Tristain: Oh geez, thanks, I just got them from A&F.
by B'Jeff January 8, 2006
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So Straight Straighter the *Super Straight* You can kiss the homies without it being gay!
Justiny: "Yooo Joey You like Being Gangster dont you"

Joey: "Nah bro just fucking kiss me am super super straight"

Justiny: " No your a Gangster"
by ToxicG065 March 10, 2021
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Golly, Janey, your hoop skirt is super!
by Luna January 18, 2005
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1. Extreme faggot who is always going "WHAT?!" and then bringing up logs from 4 years ago.
"Soup you're a fucking loser."
<Brings up log from 4 years ago>
by Zee March 19, 2005
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Super can have several meanings at the same time. When I use that word, super is not super at all sometimes. It can be also for something normal or well expected. Super can replace bad words also. Super is used when you don’t want to speak with somebody. Super is the material that Superman is made of. Super (in Dominican Republic) is a Supermarket.
From an expression of the face you can see if Super is realy Super or something else is.
1. You drop a heavy iron on your foot, and scream "Sssssuper".
2. Boring person takes you to some place, and you have to spend one hour there at least, and you think in your self: "My God, Super..."
3. You spent a bed night sleeping, and somebody ask you in a morning: "How did you slept last night?) and you just say : "Super"
by Milos Korac November 7, 2006
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