A word describing a silent fart
It’s stinky! Sarah did you slart?
by Beans beans April 1, 2020
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A word used to describe someone who is a slut but sharts aggressively.
“Did you hear about slarty Sarah?”

“I heard she slept with Jason and shit on him, what a slart.”
by preggerz_mgee June 7, 2021
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When you release a fart while attempting to mask the sound or the animation of farting. A sly fart.
1: Dude it wreaks in here, did you slart?
2: You smelt it so you dealt it.

3: I think you might have shit yourself.
by KingSesh May 18, 2021
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A girl who is constantly out partying, getting ran through, probably listens to cardi b & drinks Hennessy straight from the bottle.
“ hey Dave Is Jessica coming through to the GIG?” HELL NAW SHES A TOTAL SLART.
by Geniuslyretarted November 29, 2021
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someone who is absolute royalty and is a little bit of a slag
Oh Aiden, he’s a total fart slart!
by octopus’s y May 9, 2022
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“Oh no. I might of slarted the salt.”
The salt. I slart it.”
by TSUNAMI_UKRAINE February 28, 2022
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