Used to describe a group of the most vile people on the planet; people who kin Shinji Ikari. These individuals usually have no friends, are bullied and are in general huge fucking losers.
person 1: Look at Kelani, I bet she’s a Shinnie, she has no friends, is bullied and in general is a huge fucking loser.
person 2: Its so easy to tell, we got her to take a NGE kin test and she got Shinji. What a fucking loser.
by shinniehater69 October 2, 2021
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An alpha male who kins Shinji Ikari from the hit anime ‘Neon Genesis Evangelion
Person 1: “I kin shinji ikari
Person 2: “omg! I wish I was an alpha shinnie like you!!”
by alpha shinnie September 28, 2021
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Term used most commonly in Canada and the northern region of Minnesota, specifically the iron range, as a short, alternate word for an unofficial game of hockey played outdoors on a flooded, home-made rink or a frozen body of water such as a pond or lake.
Grab your skates and stick, there's a game of shinny out on the pond!
by Arnie on Ice March 16, 2008
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Shinny - another word for a leg kick/shin kick. Commonly used in hoodlum areas of New Zealand such as Albany, Auckland.
First person "Oi cunt chuck us your side bag or I'll give you a shinny"
Second person "Jak sorry ko, Just take my shmang instead."
by TheFarkenUce October 12, 2020
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A ‘shinnie’ is a word to describe emo rejects with minority complexs’.
“Lol i’m Rye haha, i paint my finger nails black.”
“Wow…Rye is such a shinnie
by Nelliisnotshinnie December 16, 2021
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A stupid whinny incel loser who kins shinji ikari from evangelion
Person 1: Everything is simply a shape, a form, an indicator to let others recognize me as me, but then what am I? Is this me? My true self? My fake self? What is it that I am? Nobody understands me
Person 2: ew a shinnie
by Dazaisucks November 12, 2021
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jihyoness: i am not a shinnie!
me: thats what a shinnie would say
by Nagito’s Toilet December 28, 2022
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