The world's coolest band teacher/director/friend ever! Lives and breathes music during school, but actually has an outside life.
Scags did the funniest thing in band class the other day. or You should have seen Scags on the Disney Band Trip!
by ClarinetCrazy April 8, 2007
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Hey Jay, look who just walked in it's Julie and Jackie. They seem angry. They look like they are going to scag us.
by Maureen Taylor April 11, 2008
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A person that exhibits a disgusting appearance. Typically a female. They may be missing teeth and use the little money they have to buy lottery tickets. Sometimes they exhibit "Skanky" actions. They are normally older in age as well, and their clothes may be deteriorating "hag." So when you put those two words together, you get scag.
That lady is such a scag!
by Kelisimo March 10, 2009
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The act of slapping one's penis across the face of another.
My girlfriend asked if I would scag her, so I slap her across the face with my cock.
by Hubbell January 10, 2003
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The small area of skin that connects the lower underside of the penis with the scrotum or ball-sack. Often thought as the counterpart of the gooch, the scag is a typically dark, sweaty and often with a distinct musty smell, the scag is not a recomended place for any activity what-so-ever... Unless thats what your into.
"jesus christ it stinks of scag down here!"


"man, that is the greasiest scag i ever did see."
by hoonstar June 3, 2009
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A really, really ugly penis!!
that has scales!!
And slimey as hell!!
its small and bent!!
Not many people have scags!!
But you might wake up one morning and have one!!
So look out
by Tom. N March 20, 2005
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