Noun: A non-offensive word used instead of fanny(the English meaning), beaver, snatch, pussy or the "c" word.

Sometimes spelt as minnie in some publications.
1: There are many shapes, sizes and flavours of mini.
2: That'll never fit in my mini!
3: Fancy a ride in my mini?
4: Buy me that dress and I'll shave my mini for you!
by _eight_ September 14, 2006
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Short for miniatures. Pieces of a tabletop or boardgame where roleplaying or historical combat is done, which are used to identify location of and represent the combatents. Usually made of lead or other soft metal, they can be found at hobby stores and are often painted by the people who will use them.
Come over and we'll paint minis for the game.
by DeadManPete October 14, 2006
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Noun. Referring to one's child or children.

Plural form Minis
My mini and me are going to the zoo.
by Chibicricket September 12, 2010
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a combined word meaning very small(from miniature)
He was was green with envy when he heard his friend got a minivan for christmas.
by Light Joker December 10, 2004
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An embarrasingly small penis. Variation of hard-on.
how cute, a mini-on. Can I paint a smiley face on that?
by moebius July 1, 2004
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